90-Day Accelerator Productivity Writer's Block

Are You Stuck in the ‘Almost Finished’ Stage? Here Are 3 Steps to Finally Submit Your Work

Today, we’re tackling a common struggle: starting projects but never quite finishing them.

It’s a challenge I know well, and one I’ve seen many writers and academics face—always close to the finish line but never crossing it.

And then you have a mountain of unfinished work and wonder where it all went wrong.

By understanding what’s holding you back, you can finally push through and submit those projects, freeing yourself from the weight of guilt, fear, and shame.

This newsletter will feel like a coaching session. Grab pen and paper, and maybe a tissue or two—I promise you’ll leave with renewed hope and motivation to finish your project.

This method works. Just this week, these clients overcame their resistance:

• E.Y. published her paper in a top journal.

• E.B. submitted a book proposal and signed a contract.

• S.H. sent two critical papers to co-authors.

• R.M. finally stopped over-analysing and sent out her draft.

Now, let’s make it happen for you.


Step 1: Why starting is easy for you

When you start a new writing project, you are excited and often produce a lot of brainstorming, mindmaps, summaries and even start writing. Why?

• The novely effect of a new, shiny idea give you a dopamine hit and 100% motivation

• You don’t worry about “how good” it will be – you’re just going to play around with the idea

• You don’t have to stress about the execution (and all the bugs, errors, and decisions you’ll have to make)

I’m sure you know that initial project stage. Journal or think about:

Over to you:

What do you love about starting? What do you feeling in your body?

Let’s move on to the tricky bit.

Step 2: Why finishing is hard for you

Finishing a project will test your resilience and bring out all your fears and resistance.

• You are subconsciously afraid the final product is not going to be good enough.

• You are terrified that you might make a mistake and be “found out” when you publish (especially academics)

• You are overwhelmed with too many things to say, and have clarity about the “plot” or structure of your piece. It’s become a mountain.

• Sometimes, you might be afraid of all the work you’ll have to do once you submit (e.g. you submit your PhD, now you have to tackle job applications which triggers anxiety).

Over to you:

I wonder what comes up for you when you read this? Does anything resonate or is there another reason why you struggle to finish projects? Do you feel fear, dread, anger in your body when you think of submitting? Write it down.

Now that you know what you LOVE about starting, and HATE about finishing, let’s create a tailored action plan for you.

Step 3: How you will move forward

I don’t know you personally (though I know some of you!). If we were in a coaching session, I would ask you these questions to help you get unstuck. Ideally, take pen and paper and journal about these (or answer in your head).

Over to you:

• What would you gain if you finished that project? How would your life or career prospects change? 

• Imagine yourself on the day you hit “submit” – how does that feel in your body? Can you visualise the exact situation? 

• Imagine the worst case scenario. What’s your biggest fear? Write it out on the page and feel the catharsis (you’ve probably suppressed that fear for a long time)

e.g. Your article gets rejected and you have to rewrite it. Your PhD requires major revisions.  A publisher passes on your book proposal and you have to submit it elsewhere. Your book gets a bad Amazon review by a grumpy reader.

Let’s pause.

I know this is hard.

I have been there so many times and I’m there now (I’m about to submit my dissertation for my MA in Creative Writing 😱). 

Let me assure you that you can DO THIS.

You can absolutely, without a doubt, deal with whatever situation waits for you on the other hand of submission. I’ve seen it with all my clients. 

Remember that list from above of 4 people who submitted their papers and book proposals?

They all were afraid, confused, overwhelmed. Some of them had a good cry about it. Some of them got me so emotional in coaching that I needed a breath (because it’s hard!!) 

But they submitted anyways (with massive discomfort in their bodies).

And you can do it, too!


This newsletter brought up a lot of emotions in you, I’m sure (it did for me).

Let me give you gentle pitch today because I want to help you move out of fear and shame.

If you want to be in the room with me and overcome your own fear of finishing, join the 90-Day Writing Accelerator in September.  You will create a 90-Day action plan to finish your work – with daily accountability and weekly live meetings in case that resistance comes back.

Some writers described the program as ‘nothing short of magic’ (thanks Brajesh) and transformative (I’m so glad, Kate).

I’m looking for 4 more people to join the group (you’ll be in the company of early career researchers, mid-career faculty and professors). 

Apply here

P.S. You can pay in instalments (someone asked). And yes, the price goes up in 2025. 

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