Client Stories

Success Story: From Stuck for 18 Months to Dr Brajesh

Over the past 3 years, the 90-Day Writing Accelerator has helped 100+ people publish their books & articles.

Here’s Brajesh‘s journey.

He was a full-time professional writing a dissertation ‘on the side’, which seems impossible. In 2020/21, he changed locations, took over a new job role with additional workload, intensive travel and the emotional stress of being away from family as they battled the pandemic. “I was at a really low point and struggling to get going in August 2022.” Not an ideal time to add coaching to the list, it seemed.

So, what changed?

He needed to make a decision. His thesis “Coaching in the Digital Age” was stuck for 18 months – and it was either getting help, or never finish it.

“I took a fresh start in September ‘22 with the help of my new found writing coach Nicole Janz!”

He was completely transformed by the 90-Day Writing Accelerator.

Joining our coaching program

“Nicole holds the space, and her ability to be empathetic, open and nudge the clients is a role model for any coach working in any arena. During my engagement with her, my writing work and habits evolved beyond my imagination!”, he said afterwards.

“But for me, the life transformation that accompanied it was nothing short of magic. I have a documented future self; I wake up early and have developed a meditative and reflective approach to my daily writing. Thank You, Nicole, for changing my life and turning me into a writer!”

A complete draft, being sent off

By 1st May 2023, he had the first complete draft of the thesis submitted “after months and months of slog, ups-downs, despair, joy, frustration, elation, agony and delight,” as he wrote on LinkedIn.

Here’s his summary of all the work that went into Brajesh’s thesis:
* 293 Pages.
* 58,236 Words
* 4,986 Lines.
* Over 5 Years of trying to become a “researching professional”
* Moving 4 Residences across 2 Countries in 3 Different Professional Roles.
* 2 worn-out laptops with all the typing and 2 new reading glasses given worsening eyesight attributed to all squinting on the screen reading research papers.
* 1000’s of Lady Grey Twining’s tea-bags
* Unlimited cuddles by our 3 cats Bacardi-Bailey and Brandy.
* The small case of a global pandemic and
* A planned 12 Kg weight loss.

The defence

“At the end after closed deliberations I heard the magic line ‘”‘We are happy to recommend the grant of DCaM to the committee with minor amendments'”‘…. 🕺🕺🕺And it was done, I had passed and unexpectedly I was overwhelmed with emotions!”

Our coaching journey even made it into the acknowledgement section of his thesis.

How his life transformed after joining the 90-Day Writing Accelerator

Here’s a snapshot of how Brajesh’s life transformed after joining the 90-Day Writing Accelerator:

–  After months and months of slog, ups-downs, despair, frustration, agony … I submitted my final thesis by March 2023!

– I wrote 293 pages, 58,236 words, 4,986 lines (not bad for someone who thinks they have no time for writing!)

– At the end of my thesis defence, I heard the magic words “We are happy to recommend minor amendments”, and it was done, I had passed and unexpectedly I was overwhelmed with emotions!

–  I’m planning collaborative chapters, published papers, opinion columns, further research, and maybe even a Book or two based on “Coaching in The Digital Age” 

– For me, the life transformation in the 90-Day Accelerator was nothing short of magic. I have a documented future self and reflective approach to my daily writing

Brajesh’s future as a writer

Now, Brajesh is even thinking about extending his work.

“There will hopefully be a season 2 involving – collaborative chapters, published papers, opinion columns, further research, and maybe even a Book or two 📚. “Coaching in The Digital Age” is in need of more discussion and research for sure……… I for now am taking a month or two pause from the topics while excitedly planning for the graduation ceremony next year.”

Read the full story on Linkedin

Episode 1 | Episode 2 | Episode 3 | Episode 4.

Photos: Dr Brajesh Bajpal

Apply for the 90-Day Accelerator here.

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