Client Stories

Promotion Success for Dr Anna Spadavecchia with the 90-Day Accelerator

I talk a lot about how the 90-Day Writing Accelerator has the potential to change your life.

To date, I’ve helped hundreds of people to publish their books, start a newsletter, and write several articles within 90 days.

Take Anna Spadavecchia, Reader in Innovation and Business History at University of Strathclyde.

When we had our initial consultation, Anna was stuck and extremely busy with her academic duties. At the same time, academics need to write monographs, articles and grant proposals constantly to secure a promotion.

“The initial consultation with Nicole was a game changer. It helped me define my writing goals and take the necessary professional steps to achieve them,” Anna said. We also developed a strategy to say “no” and make space for writing, which is important for any academic drowning in admin, teaching, and conference trips.

In Anna’s own words, the program changed her life.

“The ‘90-Day Writing Accelerator’ is an excellent programme. It has marked a turning point in my approach to academic writing,” Anna wrote. “Following the steps and techniques I met my 90-day writing goal, which was submitting a journal article, despite being very busy! It helped me define my goals and take the necessary professional steps to achieve them. I really loved the programme! A big thank you!” 

How did the program help her?

The 90-Day Accelerator has 12 trainings and themes to support writers with a busy life.

  • Creating a Future Self Vision – Academics like Anna take a step back from the hamster wheel and consider what is REALLY important for promotion.
  • Making time to write – As a lecturer who teaches, travels, runs committee work and has many more obligations, time to write seems impossible. The program helps you make changes in your schedule step by step.
  • Energy levels – Most academics (and I was one of them for 10 years) are burned out. They try to fit everything in, and feel they have no say in their schedule. The 90-Day Accelerator helps you apply strategies to stop overworking and being intentionally productive while finding time to rest.
  • Starting to write when your schedule eases up is doable. Staying on track when term time gets busy and marking, teaching or conferences destroy your routines can make it seem impossible. With the 90-day structure, accountability and live meeting support, you learn to go gently, but keep writing a priority every week.

Anna applied all these tools, and more, during the 90 days of the program and finished an important article. “Following the steps and techniques discussed during the programme, I met my 90-day writing goal, which was submitting a journal article, despite being very busy with various academic duties.”

Promotion after the Program

After the program, success was inevitable. When I met her at an end-of-year reflection workshop that I ran, Anna was promoted to from Senior Lecturer to Reader! This was based on her academic track record including the journal article she wrote during our program

And of course, for academics, promotion comes with prestige, and a step up on the salary scale!

Anna’s journey is incredible. It shows how, if you take the principles and frameworks in the 90-Day Writing Accelerator and apply them to your life, you can completely change your trajectory as a writer.

If Anna’s story reminds you of yourself, then it’s time to take ACTION.

Long-Term Writing Success

Now, Anna doesn’t need a coach anymore because her writing system and habits work. Here’s her testimonial: “The programme has provided me with tools for self-coaching. Two major lessons that I will always apply are a) planning in detail and setting very specific writing goals; b) identify very clearly my priority goals and go for them!”

Check out Anna’s impressive research record here.

Did this story inspire you?

You can still apply for for the 90-Day Writing Accelerator (Start January 29th) and get the Super Early Bird Discount by December 31. 

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