My podcast interview just dropped!
A year ago I was a suffering academic lecturer and could not see that my life can change. Now, I’m a full-time writer and coach with great work-life balance and freedom of time.
I discussed my burnout and exit from academia with Danielle De La Mare, PhD creator of the *Self-Compassionate Professor* podcast.
This is the blurb:
“Dr. Nicole Janz tells her story of healing from burnout. She also discusses her decision to ultimately leave academia and how in the process of letting go of her academic identity, she became more fully herself: attached less to her career identity and more psychologically flexible about owning all of her identities in life and career. Nicole also explains how our inner critics adopt a voice consistent with the culture of academia and offers advice about how to dialogue with the inner critic so as to open up space and new possibilities.”
Listen to it here.
I’ve also got a new free resource against burnout: The Anti-Burnout Daily Planner tool.